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Wednesday Mar. 19 - 2025
Wednesday Mar. 19 - 2025

Business/COMMUNITY Directory

All Tweed business and service providers are encouraged to email us or fax us at 613-478-6457 with your up-to-date information so that you can be included in the Tweed Business Directory.


Accommodation (13)  Facility Rentals and Halls (13)  Personal Care Services (8) 
Agriculture (5)  Food and Beverage (23)  Professional Services (34) 
Animal Care (8)  Funeral Services (1)  Public Service (7) 
Artists and Artisans (24)  Greenhouses and Landscaping (9)  Real Estate (7) 
Attractions/Entertainment (20)  Health Care (13)  Restaurants (6) 
Automotive (7)  Logging (1)  Retail (25) 
Churches (6)  Major Services (11)  Senior Housing (2) 
Computers (2)  Manufacturing Operations (4)  Special Needs Housing (1) 
Contractors and Trades (70)  Municipal Facilities (7)  Sports/Recreation (15) 
Design/Printing (6)  Organizations (27)  Taxi Services (1) 

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Friends of Stoco Lake


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Friends of Stoco Lake

Formed in 2007, the 'Friends of Stoco Lake' are working to improve the overall health of Stoco Lake, for the benefit of people and the environment, in recognition of its important contribution to the quality of life in our community. FOSL is a registered member of FOCA/Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations. Objectives 1) 'Fact-finding' - gathering the information needed for an evidence-based approach to identifying actions that need to be taken in both the short and long-term. 2) Development of an 'action plan' for Stoco Lake. This would include: - Identifying priority actions for 'Friends of Stoco Lake' and others with mandates related to improving lake quality - Undertaking priority actions that are appropriate for the Friends (i.e., are not being done by others, that are achievable for a volunteer organization, that are cost-effective) 3) Developing partnerships with other organizations that can provide for a more effective approach to improving the health of Stoco Lake. 4) Sharing information, and educating / influencing the general public, all levels of government, local community organizations, schools and others with respect to what needs to be done. FOSL also undertakes annual weed harvesting for members and for the Municipality of Tweed. In 2017, we completed the Stoco Lake Stewardship Plan in partnership with the Municipality and Quinte Conservation - we are now implementing various actions. 

Friends of Stoco Lake
Information Last Updated: Friday February 9, 2018