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Business/COMMUNITY Directory

All Tweed business and service providers are encouraged to email us or fax us at 613-478-6457 with your up-to-date information so that you can be included in the Tweed Business Directory.


Accommodation (13)  Facility Rentals and Halls (14)  Personal Care Services (8) 
Agriculture (5)  Food and Beverage (24)  Professional Services (34) 
Animal Care (8)  Funeral Services (1)  Public Service (7) 
Artists and Artisans (24)  Greenhouses and Landscaping (9)  Real Estate (7) 
Attractions/Entertainment (20)  Health Care (13)  Restaurants (6) 
Automotive (7)  Logging (1)  Retail (26) 
Churches (6)  Major Services (11)  Senior Housing (2) 
Computers (2)  Manufacturing Operations (4)  Special Needs Housing (1) 
Contractors and Trades (70)  Municipal Facilities (7)  Sports/Recreation (16) 
Design/Printing (6)  Organizations (28)  Taxi Services (1) 

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Hastings Stewardship Council
Jim Pedersen
126 Old Troy Road,
Tweed, ON K8N3J0
GPS: -77.3160349 44.4961125

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Hastings Stewardship Council

Our purpose is to achieve and maintain, through voluntary efforts, a healthy and sustainable environment that will contribute towards the maintenance of the natural and rural character of Hastings County. We Strive To: - Improve and sustain the long term health of our agricultural and natural resources. This includes, but is not limited to, woodlots, wildlife and shorelines. - Develop partnerships in the community that help to service landowner needs with respect to stewardship of natural resources. - Develop and promote good land stewardship through education and workshops for present and future owners and users of the land.

Hastings Stewardship Council
Information Last Updated: Monday May 28, 2018