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Stoco Lake Lodge
Casey Trudeau
15 Trudeau Lane
Tweed, ON K0K 3J0
GPS: -77.2768652 44.4734305
Business Phone: 866-844-1483

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Stoco Lake Lodge

Located on the East Side of Stoco Lake Trudeau Park can cater to any of your "Special Occasions". From a Banquet Hall, Wedding Tent, Linen Rentals, Catering, Bar, Lounge, Dinning Room, Hotel Rooms, Suites, and even a large playroom for children! Enjoy staying here for a night, or spend a vacation with us. It is a great area for the outdoors all year round. Trudeau Park was established in 1973 and has been responsible for providing the most exciting indoor and outdoor events in the area ever since.

Stoco Lake Lodge missing image
Information Last Updated: Thursday August 19, 2021