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May 5th - Covid-19 Update

The Municipality of Tweed continues to monitor the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as issued by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The Municipality of Tweed wishes to release the following information to the community. Please note that the Province of Ontario’s guidelines constantly change on a day to day basis.
Burn Ban In Effect
The Municipality of Tweed is reminding residents that there is a full fire ban in effect. Open air burning including campfires and fireworks will result in fines by the Municipality and/or the Ministry of Natural Resources. Our utmost priority is to ensure the safety of our residents. The ban is a temporary measure to help keep emergency crews and resources readily available.
Municipal Parks
In accordance with the Province of Ontario the Municipality of Tweed has continued to keep closed all municipal parks, recreation areas and boat launches.
Municipal Recreation Areas/Events
At this time, we have closed all municipal owned facilities, recreation areas, and all municipal events have been cancelled until the Fall.
Live Canada Day activities have been cancelled including the fireworks however, we will be hosting a virtual Canada Day through social media channels and on our YouTube page.
The Municipality of Tweed will continue to update residents as the Province of Ontario guidelines change.
Yard Sales
Until further notice while under the State of Emergency, the Municipality of Tweed will not be issuing yard/garage sale permits.
Waste Site and Recycling Centre
The Municipality of Tweed Waste Site and Recycling Centre will operate with regular summer hours as follows:
Tuesday – 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday – 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday – 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
During this time, we ask residents to go to the waste site to deposit waste and recycling only if necessary. Bag tags are still required at a cost of $2 per bag as well as all other fees. For the health and safety of our staff and residents, to allow for proper social distancing, the following changes have occurred:
• Maximum of 5 vehicles in the site at a time.
• Two recycling stations have been set up. Residents must deposit their own recycling in the appropriate bins.
Seasonal Residents
For our seasonal residents who have chosen to spend time in our area, we ask you to please self-isolate appropriately for 14 days. Purchase your supplies in your primary residence city/town. We do have amazing service providers and businesses who can also help you get supplies if needed. We ask you to take all necessary precautions to protect all our residents, our essential workers, our health care system, and our rural community.