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Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

What is the ICSP?

The ICSP represents a leap into the future for our community. It represents ‘a new way of doing business' for both the Municipality of Tweed and its citizens. The Plan identifies a vision, values, and proposed actions from all parts of our community, and brings them together in a format that will allow us to move forward. The proposed actions identified in the Plan reflect what the CDC heard from residents; it is important to note that the actions have not been prioritized in any way by Council or the CDC. Some of the actions are now complete; others are planned or ongoing; others are completely new.

How Was the Plan Developed?

‘A New Direction: Our Citizens' Vision for an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan', is the result of the community consultation meetings held in April 2009 and February 2010 in Marlbank, Queensborough and the village of Tweed. The public's response was exceptional. In 2009, over 150 people attended meetings, or provided input by other means including email, written submissions and personal discussion. Local schools also participated and provided valuable feedback. From this community discussion, about 1300 individual ideas emerged. These were synthesized into 123 proposed actions presented in a number of categories for each of the four ‘pillars' of sustainability: cultural, economic, environment, and social. The CDC also conducted a series of consultation meetings with local residents, and a workshop with local service clubs and community organizations in February 2010. Feedback on the draft ICSP and the proposed actions was sought. Council approved the ICSP in July 2010.

Download the July 2010 ICSP Document

To download 'A New Direction: Our Citizens' Vision of an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan for the Municipality of Tweed' in PDF format click here.

To read the document online: