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Emerging Industries

A Creative (Rural) Economy 

communities with opportunities - hastings countyThe creative class are businesses run by people paid to think and that typically earn higher salaries on average than other categories. According to data about 1/3 of businesses in Hastings County are part of the creative economy. Whats interesting is that jobs in the creative rural economy are set to grow by over 40% in the next decade (Hastings County Economic Development). These jobs are driven by knowledge and innovation and include science and engineering, architecture, agriculture, education, arts, health and wellness, and entertainment. In Tweed we have something that creative rural entrepreneurs want, a Quality of Place.

creative hastingsCreative Hastings is a venue for Hastings County businesses and professionals to network and share creative rural economy stories and experiences.

Our events are held quarterly, free to attend and open to everyone! Expand networking opportunities and meet local business people and other community services.

Learn about Creative Hastings

Live your an artisan food and beverage (FAB) business in Tweed!  FAB is a regional economic development partnership aimed at attracting investment in Food and Beverage to our area.  We have resources to help people establish and operate an artisan food or beverage business.  The sectors include:

Wine & Vineyard Sector

Craft Beer, Ciders, Distilling

Artisan Cheese

Artisan Foods

Learn more about the secotors and the FAB opportunities in our area by checking out the artisan development study recently commissioned and other information on our website at