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Wednesday Mar. 12 - 2025

Waste Disposal Site & Recycling Depot

The Municipality of Tweed's Waste Disposal Site & Recycling Depot is located at 831 Marlbank Road.


Ontario Government Mandated Recycling Program Changes

MEDIA RELEASE – January 2nd, 2025

Changes Coming to Blue Box Recycling in 2025

Quinte Waste Solutions begins the New Year with a great sense of pride having served our greater community for 35 years in blue box and hazardous and electronic waste recycling.

Changes are occurring in the world of ‘blue box’ recycling across Ontario. It began in 2023, and on July 17th, 2025, Quinte Waste Solutions will be closing its operation at 270 West Street, Quinte West, and GFL Environmental Services will no longer be the contractor for the collection and processing of ‘blue box’ recycling material.

At this time, E360 Solutions located at 50 Mineral Road, Belleville will begin collecting ‘blue box’ material and deliver it to the HGC Receiving Facility located at 555 Station Street in Belleville. E360 Solutions was selected by Circular Materials Ontario to provide ‘blue box’ recycling service to your municipality and have entered into contracts for collection to each individual municipality currently a member of the Centre and South Hastings Waste Services Board.

The Centre and South Hastings Waste Services Board, who own and operate Quinte Waste Solutions, has nine member municipalities; Belleville, Quinte West, Prince Edward County, Centre Hastings, Tyendinaga Township, Marmora and Lake, Tweed, Madoc Township, and Stirling-Rawdon.

As we approach the July 17th, 2025 ‘blue box’ transition date, Quinte Waste Solutions will be adapting its current service model:
-    On March 31st, 2025, service to hosted events will come to an end
-    On June 30th, 2025, the Recycling Depot located at 270 West Street in Quinte West will close. A new Recycling Depot is currently operational at HGC located at 555 Station Street in Belleville

Our Hazardous and Electronic Waste Depot at 75 Wallbridge Crescent, Belleville will continue its current operation and host nineteen (19) mobile events across our nine communities in 2025.

We thank you for your support and commitment to the environment.

Bill Sandison, General Manager
Quinte Waste Solutions’ Team

The Municipality of Tweed is committed to providing a high level of service when it comes to your household waste, and in order to do so we must transition to clear bags. A transfer station for waste is too costly and is an undesirable option for ratepayers. We are committed to providing a landfill to residents right here in our Municipality for decades to come.  Our Municipality must ensure a sustainable landfill over the long term, and increased recycling efforts will aid in this. 

Not sure what to put in your Blue Bin?  Click here

Want more detailed information about recycling?  Click here

Want to start composting?  Click here

Looking to dispose of hazardous or electronic waste or find out the hazardous waste drop off days?  Click here for everything you need to know.

Refrigerant Appliances Must be Decommissioned and Tagged or they will not be accepted at our landfill site.  For decommissioning of refrigerant appliances, please call: Tri County Appliance Repair - Madoc ON  613-473-4458.  Drop offs are not accepted. 

There is a $3.00 Bag Tag fee.
Residents may purchase tags prior to arriving at the Waste Disposal Site.

Bag Tags can be purchased at the following locations:
Tweed Municipal Office, 255 Metcalf St., Tweed
The Tweed News, 242 Victoria St. N., Tweed

DaisyMart, 39 Victoria St. N., Tweed
Gateway Restaurant, 327 Victoria St. N., Tweed
Rashotte Home Building Centre, 36 Metcalf St., Tweed



RESIDENTIAL RATES:  Non-recyclable garbage in CLEAR BAGS ONLY.
Regular Bags and Containers as defined in Waste Management By-Law $3.00
Oversize Bags and Oversize Containers $4.00

TIRES:  are accepted Free of Charge.
No tires with rims accepted.

ELECTRONICS:  are accepted Free of Charge.
Televisions, Computers, Printers, etc. 

METAL HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES:  are accepted Free of Charge.  Must be placed in scrap metal pile.
Stoves, Washers, Dryers, Water-Tanks, Toasters, Microwaves, Food Processors, Kettles, Lawn Chairs,
Decommissioned Refrigerators, Freezers and Air Conditioners, etc.

BULK ITEMS:  $171.00 per ton; Loads under 350 lbs. - $20.00 minimum charge.
Furniture, Construction Debris, Shingles, Painted and Stained Lumber, etc.

Brush - 1 Bag Tag per load of brush.

Tractor Trailers are Not Permitted.

Construction debris delivered to the waste site should result from specific work or project within the municipality which would be authorized by obtaining a building or demolition permit from the Chief Building Official.  A copy of the permit is required to deposit construction debris at the waste site.