Due to changing weather conditions, ice is starting to form on lakes and rivers within the Watershed.

Quinte Conservation would like to remind residents that this early in the season, ice conditions can be very unpredictable, unsafe, and difficult to assess as above average flows in rivers and streams prevent the formation of stable ice surfaces.

Residents are advised to exercise extreme caution around all waterways as stream banks and fast moving water are both extremely dangerous. Adults are urged to keep children and pets away from all waterways, to stay off the ice, and avoid water control structures at all times. Hypothermia is a major concern for anyone who may fall into open water.

While Quinte Conservation does not measure ice thickness for recreational activities, the organization provides information on watershed safety conditions.

Quinte Conservation is issuing a Water Safety Statement regarding the changing ice conditions. A Water Safety Statement indicates that high flows, unsafe banks, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for users such as anglers, boaters, swimmers, children or pets. Flooding is not expected.

This message will be in effect until (or updated before) January 15, 2021.

Quinte Conservation is a community-based environmental protection agency. It serves 18 municipalities in the watersheds of the Moira, Napanee and Salmon Rivers and Prince Edward County. It provides cost-effective environmental expertise and leadership. Quinte Conservation’s main goal is to create a sustainable ecosystem where people and nature live in harmony. More information about Quinte Conservation is available at www.quinteconservation.ca.


For more information contact:

Christine McClure, Water Resources Manager
(613) 968-3434 ext. 130 OR (613) 354-3312 ext. 130




Kirsten Geisler, Communications Specialist
(613) 968-3434 ext. 123 OR (613) 354-3312 ext. 123